I am on Tip #47 of 50 Tips for single women today, so I am almost done with my forthcoming book. I had planned to have it finished by the end of last week but had the surprise of spending time with my two nephews and little niece. My niece, Jordan, loves to sing and play the piano, and we wrote a new song for kids together. Some things are more important than accomplishing my work goals, like spending time with my family. We had a great visit together. I am planning to meet my goal of having the manuscript to my editor by the middle of this month. I am thankful to be working with a top Random House editor and Random House typesetter and plan to take the book to women’s conferences and market it to nonprofit organizations all over the country. Because I will be getting marketing quotes for endorsements before it is printed, we are now planning to have it out by the first of next year. It is looking like I may be working with a top public relations press agent also to promote it. My 50 Tips for single women are soon to come!
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