Back to Book Signings After Pandemic

We made it through the pandemic, and now I am getting back to book signings!

This coming winter, when I get back to Sarasota, FL (my winter home), I will be much busier than before with speaking engagements to women about my book. I look forward to my early mornings, walking miles on the beach and praying as I walk about each day, but it is looking like there will not be time for anything else in the mornings, as I will be speaking to women on my tips for happiness —from nonprofits like Crisis Pregnancy Centers to civic clubs. I look forward to these book signings, which I am already setting up in FL. I am already shipping books for them.

Stay tuned for signings around Nashville and speaking engagements to women at Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the greater Nashville area, too.

Caveat: My book ‘Happiness No Man Required’ is not against good men but in support of love that is real and all about God’s faithfulness when we live for Him. It is about a healthy life overflowing with confidence that only God’s love can give, which enables us to then know love that is true and lasting with someone else.

A review on Happiness No Man Required–50 Tips for Single Women to be Happy With or Without a Man from Huffington Post is HERE.

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About Dwayna Litz

Dwayna Litz is an American singer, songwriter, author and speaker with music currently published by Universal Music, Spirit Music and her own ASCAP publishing company, Litz Music in Nashville.
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