My Book ‘Happiness No Man Required’ for Women to Know Their Worth

Here’s to finding true love, beginning with God’s true love for us! It does not take anyone else for a woman to know her worth in order to have a fulfilling life. My book ‘Happiness No Man Required’ is not at all against good men or against true love. It is about not settling for less.

My book Happiness No Man Required–50 Tips for Single Women to be Happy With or Without a Man has now been sent to teens and young women who have been trafficked in FL and Chicago and to more crisis pregnancy centers here in FL. It will hopefully soon be used at a Christian-based rehab home for women who are battling anorexia and eating disorders.

I just got a new testimonial from a beautiful woman who read my book. I am sharing it with her permission:

“It is truly as though you read my mind somehow. I’ve been working through it slowly so as the tips have time to sort of ‘marinate’ with me while I slowly take in the stories and info. Some of your wisdom really supports something that I’ve been going through for a couple of years now that I’d been getting a little anxious over. What I’m talking about specifically is my abstinence from any physical/emotional intimacy with men since 2019. Since I am only 31, I started wondering if I was being too picky or too much of a prude, regarding giving myself to any of the men who have come my way. After reading the info about the 90day detox from oxytocin, I feel completely supported in my listening to my ‘gut’ and not having settled for any of the contenders I knew weren’t right for me. There have even been a few instances over the last couple of years wherein God intervened and insured I did not impulsively make a decision and wind up attached to someone my heart knew wasn’t right for me. I have always been protective of my heart, and it has led to a fuller, truer love for myself that I believe still needs development before I find myself seeking wholeness in a relationship. Here’s to being all I need, and ultimately having much more to offer someone else!”

Now that more of life is opening up, I am waiting to hear back from a crisis pregnancy center in the greater Sarasota area and home for unwed mothers that may give me the pleasure of sharing my tips for women in person with them. All of this is in partnership with my nonprofit, Lighting the Way. All proceeds go to my nonprofit, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and


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About Dwayna Litz

Dwayna Litz is an American singer, songwriter, author and speaker with music currently published by Universal Music, Spirit Music and her own ASCAP publishing company, Litz Music in Nashville.
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