Speaking and Singing at “eWomen” Event

I just got booked to speak and sing next February at an event for women called “eWomen,” an international networking event for single women with an emphasis on helping single mothers. Amy works with single mothers who have kids with disabilities. We are expecting one hundred women to come from all over the world. I will share my tips from my book ‘Happiness No Man Required and sing at this event here in the Brentwood/Franklin, TN, area next year. I love encouraging women, and I really look forward to this!

Pictured below is Amy Karaman, the founder of eWomen and my other fabulous single girlfriends, who were here from Sarasota, at Bourbon Steak in downtown Nashville, as we are making the most out of life, meeting lots of new people and loving every minute of it! Even though I am moving soon to Sarasota, FL,  I will be back to speak, sing and record more songs. I also love “my kids” in the projects and will be back to check on them. Sarasota feels like the best base for me at this time. It is currently my favorite city. It has an international airport, and I plan to keep traveling a lot. Here’s to every fresh season and God doing something new!

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About Dwayna Litz

Dwayna Litz is an American singer, songwriter, author and speaker with music currently published by Universal Music, Spirit Music and her own ASCAP publishing company, Litz Music in Nashville.
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