Dwayna Litz Health Coach and More

We are updating my health coaching site DwaynaLitzHealthCoach.com to feature superior products which help lose weight, balance the body and give you energy–such as probiotics that eat yeast by Arthur Andrew Medical with no steatites, no harmful fillers, that get past the biofilms and do not need refrigeration. Also, there is a company that makes just bite sized dark chocolate with added, organic ingredients that curb the appetite and give you extra antioxidants–Zen Evo. Just “one bite” is all you need to keep going throughout the day. I will also be offering enzymes that clean the blood by Arthur Andrew and enzymes that eat yeast, which is the cause of sugar cravings in the first place.

I love working as a health coach to help people get healthier by offering unique, daily accountability to break sugar addiction and put the body back in balance. I also promote the benefits of intermittent fasting–where you go at least 18 hours between meals. HERE is an article about why it is healthy.

We are also growing at my nonprofit organization. I have speaking engagements lined up for my “50 Tips for Women” from my self-help book ‘Happiness No Man Required’ (see photo below from my speaking to women last month at the Richmond Raceway Complex Southern Women’s Show) and will be coming out with my new bluegrass CD this year.

More great news soon to come!




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About Dwayna Litz

Dwayna Litz is an American singer, songwriter, author and speaker with music currently published by Universal Music, Spirit Music and her own ASCAP publishing company, Litz Music in Nashville.
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