(Caveat: This is Dwayna. I will be posting on this blog myself this year instead of having someone else do it in order to better control what is being posted).
I feel like I am mourning the death of a very close friend, and I actually got tears in my eyes when I first heard about the passing of Andrae Crouch. There is no Dwayna Litz artistically without the music of Andrae Crouch. I was raised singing his songs as a soloist in revival meetings, and how I thank God to be raised on such soulful Gospel music. Yes, I was raised on bluegrass but also the soulful hymns of the Christian faith. There has never been and will never be another Andrae Crouch. I grew up singing “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power,” “Soon and Very Soon,” and “My Tribute.” I recently recorded “Through It All,” though when I was a little girl singing solos in Baptist churches, my mother was quick to explain that as a little girl I had not been through enough to sing “Through It All,” so I waited until I was an adult to record it.
Here is Andrae Crouch sharing his testimony and singing at a Billy Graham crusade. I have his music in my heart, as a part of who I am, wherever I go to live for all of eternity in praise to the Lord. I look forward to seeing my brother in heaven and singing with him. What a beautiful testimony God gave him in both his life, music and legacy. This is my tribute to Andrae Crouch who gave his tribute to Jesus.