My work in Manhattan as a health coach, singer, author and president of my nonprofit organization, Lighting the Way, has never been going better. I am loving every minute of it!
Web sites are being updated at , and to reflect how we keep growing.
I successfully helped a client lose 10 pounds this month as a health coach and helped her break her sugar addiction. New Links, products in the Store and Testimonials will be posted on the health coaching site soon.
We now have a new sign and banner for our outreach at Columbus Circle and continuing to make “God’s Heart to Central Park” be the best it can be.
I am recording new songs and working on putting an audio version of my book on Audible also.
Life has never been better, and I look forward to all that this summer has in store.
(Photos below reflect the capricious weather in Manhattan this spring. Memorial Day was in the 50s, and then it shot back up to 80 degrees again the next day). I am staying busy and walking miles around the city running errands. Great to be back home in NYC.