With My Musical Niece, Jordan, Before My Radio Interview

Yesterday at my mother’s house with my niece, Jordan, before I left for the radio interview at Thunder Country 104.7 (to be aired for the first time tomorrow morning and then on rotation, for anyone in the area). She is all grown up! Seems like just yesterday she was a little girl. Now she is 14 going on 18. It was wonderful to get to be with her again for the first time since last June. (She sings and plays the piano, is very artistic in so many ways; she paints, loves fashion and makeup—a girly girl after my own heart). We had fun. She’s at that age where it seems to her (and us) she’s practically all grown up!

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About Dwayna Litz

Dwayna Litz is an American singer, songwriter, author and speaker with music currently published by Universal Music, Spirit Music and her own ASCAP publishing company, Litz Music in Nashville.
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