Working on a new music video with proceeds going to help victims of shootings in America and crimes against humanity. Plans are for this video to be done with students of NYU, along with children and teens in NYC schools. It will be to my song “Walkin’ in the Light.”
I look forward to this experience, with even each step of the preparation sure to fill up my heart, as we make a stand against racism and classism and work to bring more love and unity to America. If it goes viral, my nonprofit has designated a fund to help survivors who cannot pay hospital bills or who are out of work due to these horrible crimes happening way too often these days domestically. It will take much work, and the goal is to see this come to fruition in the spring of 2019. I am looking forward to being back in NYC this fall to begin working with students, professors and music teachers at Avenues School and NYU in hopes of making a difference to bring more healing to our land.